Top 12 Careers That Match ENFJ Personality

ENFJ personality types are associated with the MBTI personality tests that classify individuals based on their cognitive functions and psychological preferences. It is important for you to get a job that suits your personality type as it guarantees that you would be a natural. There are 16 personality types according to the MBTI personality test and the ENFJ is one of these personality types. 

In this article, we would focus on jobs that are best suited for the ENFJ personality type. We have curated 12 of these jobs across various sectors. If you are one of those with the ENFJ personality type and are looking for a suitable job for yourself then this page is for you. You should note that you should ask for the guidance of a career counselor where possible for more tailored guidance. 

What Is The ENFJ Personality Type?

The ENFJ personality type is characterized by four main traits:

  • Extroversion
  • Intuition
  • Feeling
  • Judging

People with this character trait are genuine, charismatic, and engaging. They value human relationships and are great to have at social gatherings. ENFJ personality types are very intuitive and are able to read people and situations fairly quickly. They are also quite empathetic and can easily connect and relate to the pain of other individuals. 

ENFJ personality types work hard to maintain their social relationships especially with a wide circle of friends. Their biggest source of achievement is recognition from a third party as they love external validation. These individuals are led by their emotions and they derive joy in helping others to focus on their dreams and ambitions. 

Strengths And Weaknesses Of ENFJ Personalities

All personality types have their corresponding strengths and weaknesses which is what makes them suitable for one job or the other. 


  • They listen effectively and place value on the opinion of others. This trait makes them strong team players as they use their listening ability to understand the people around them. 
  • They have a high level of emotional intelligence which makes them charming. They use this ability to some others to succeed and fulfill their potential. 
  • They are natural leaders because of their charismatic and inclusive traits. They are respected by their peers and subordinates and would always find their way to being elected for leadership positions even when they haven't sought such positions out. 


  • Due to their ingrained desire to help others, they find it difficult to say no to requests. This leads them to have less time for themselves and stretch themselves too thin with helping others. 
  • They are idealistic and always tend to see the best in people. This could lead to intense disappointment when things do not go as planned. They do not like their ideas to be questioned and can be harsh towards unfavorable feedback. 
  • ENFJ personality types do not like criticism because they derive self-worth from the praise and admiration of others. They could suffer from reduced self-esteem when they are confronted by failure. 

These are some of the strengths and weaknesses of the ENFJ personality type. It affects how they interact with other workers at the office and their behavior towards tasks assigned to them. Now that you are familiar with some details about the ENFJ personality type, we will discuss the most suitable jobs for them in the next section. 


ENFJ personality types are commonly nicknamed 'teachers' hence it's no surprise that teaching is a career that matches the personality type. These individuals are skilled at breaking down complex concepts and can easily adapt this process to suit the learning style of the student. It is important for teachers to relate properly with their students and be empathic towards them. These empathic traits are part of why ENFJs are great at teaching. An ENFJ personality would find cool ground with their students and find a way to relate with them properly. 

Search Keywords: Teacher

Guidance Counselor 

Guidance counselors help students discover the best path for themselves. They offer advice and try to guide students through learning and life. ENFJ personality types have an empathic nature that allows them to connect and learn more about the people around them. With a natural desire to help people achieve their goals and dreams, ENFJ personality types are happy to help people improve by offering advice. What makes this mostly rewarding for ENFJs is that they get to create a positive experience for the people they counsel. 

Search Keywords: Guidance Counselor

Sales Manager

Sales management involves interaction with a variety of people and trying to close sales. Personal interaction is one of the strong points for ENFJs which makes them perfect candidates for such roles. They love the thrill of understanding the needs of others and fulfilling these needs which is a strong advantage in sales. As a self-motivated and well-organized personality type, they are able to build a robust client list and keep good working relationships with clients. 

Search Keywords: Sales Manager

Public Relations Account Manager

Public relations officers help famous individuals and big brands manage their images and perception. ENFJ personality types are skilled at navigating difficult situations which makes them extremely useful in difficult situations. They are very creative, self-controlled, and self-directed which gives them a boost in fast-paced fields. As a plus, they are good at effective communication and can easily pass along brand messages to large audiences. 

Search Keywords: Public Relations Account Manager

Human Resource Director

Human resource departments manage scores of people who work in organizations. ENFJs have charming and sociable personalities which makes them treatable and easy to associate with. These traits also make them well suited for human resource positions as they are uniquely positioned to understand the emotions of the people who work around them. As excellent communicators, they could also easily be a bridge between management and the employees, ensuring every part of the organization works in tandem. 

Search Keywords: Human Resource Director

Art Director 

Art is a strong subject area for ENFJ personality types as they are great at understanding and evaluating the work of others. As an art director, ENFJ personality types are uniquely positioned to interpret and showcase artists' works to viewers. They are excellent at picking out concepts that would appeal to large-scale fans. Their teaching and communication prowess is useful for pitching new ideas and concepts to clients. 

Search Keywords: Art Director

Event Management

Event management is one area that requires planning and execution with a mix of people skills. Each of these skills needed to excel at an event manager is the strength of the ENFJ personality type. ENFJs are uniquely suited to work as event managers because they possess creativity, passion, organization, and a determination to ensure their projects are completed. With good collaboration and negotiation skills, ENFJ personality types are uniquely suited to succeed in the event management field. 

Search Keywords: Event Management

Social Worker

Social work needs individuals that are caring and can take care of the people that have been placed in their care. ENFJ personality types are uniquely suited for this job because their personality type allows them to mentor, inspire, and challenge people towards their personal growth. They are able to identify the needs of others and provide solutions quickly their empathetic nature helps them to listen with care and attention while their intuition and problem-solving skills help them cater to the problems. 

Search Keywords: Social Worker


Journalists need strong people and interpersonal skills including a high level of intuition to succeed. ENFJ personality types succeed at journalism because they have each of these traits and they use them to get to the heart of stories. Their strong communication and perception skills help them to build a good career as a journalist. They are quick to establish rapport with sources as they are good with people which is a plus when conducting interviews. ENFJ personality types also inspire and engage the right people to ensure that their story gets heard.

Search Keywords: Journalist

Executive Assistant

As an executive assistant, you would be required to act on behalf of management in an administrative capacity. ENFJs would excel at this role because it involves using problem-solving skills to quench office problems, using people skills to interact with peers and subordinates, and using organizational skills to ensure that things run smoothly. ENFJ personality types are uniquely suited for this purpose as they have the necessary skills to succeed in administrative roles. 

Search Keywords: Executive Assistant

PR Executive 

As a PR executive ENFJs would be expected to be the face of an organization on behalf of a client. They would also need to handle crisis situations and talk with press people when necessary. The social working environment and the chance to do some good make it a good career opportunity for ENFJs as they are naturally drawn to such positions. The creative and altruistic nature of ENFJs means that they can channel their skills towards effecting change by representing causes they truly believe in which would make them passionate about their job. 

Search Keywords: PR Executive

Motivational Speaker

ENFJs love to inspire people and what better way to do this than through motivational speaking. This is a metal career fit that taps into the strengths of ENFJs such as charisma, people skills, problem-solving, and charm. As they are often passionate and love guiding others, they would naturally excel at motivational speakers. 

Search Keywords: Motivational Speaker


Finding a job that suits your personality type can be quite stressful. There are various job openings and recruiters are always looking for ways to narrow down the best candidates for each job. One way to determine if you are the right fit for the job is by taking practice tests and conducting research into the industry. Good luck with your job hunting!