Eight Tips That You Should Know For A Virtual Interviewing

Due to the advancement in the world of technology, various companies and places of work have had to evolve quickly in order to adjust to the new innovations that increase the rate at which work is done and, at the same time, save time. Research has shown recently that more than fifty percent of employers have been able to make use of virtual interviews in selecting their applicants. Employers have used video conferencing software such as Google Hangouts, Zoom, Skype, and others to reach a wide range of candidates because it is a cost-effective way of screening prospective employees.

Now, what do we mean by "virtual interview"? A virtual interview is simply a job interview that makes use of video technology that enables communication to take place remotely. Instead of taking the risk of meeting face-to-face, candidates and hiring managers tend to connect with each other through the use of any video conferencing software of their choice. In order to take part in a virtual interview, you are expected to have a computer that has either a built-in or external microphone, a video camera, and a strong internet connection. A virtual interview, at most times, follows the style of a person-to-person interview system, although there are a couple of things to consider when partaking in a virtual interview. Here are eight carefully selected tips you should know for a virtual interviewing:

Perform a Thorough Examination of Your Technology

Upon your agreement to partake in a virtual interview, it is essential to set up and test your video technology before the start of the interview for smooth and efficient coverage all through the interview process. Make sure to properly confirm and check that your microphone and camera are in good condition, and ensure that your internet connectivity is working well. In situations where the quality of the image is poor or you are experiencing an echo, it is necessary to quickly find a way of fixing any of those issues that might occur before the interview begins.

Procrastination can be a very bad habit as if you are unable to check out those faults or challenges, it will pose a bad impression on the hiring manager. During a virtual interview, one of the traits employers are looking for is technically savvy. And having issues with either your audio, video or lighting during the interview might not put you in a very good spot as far as selecting you as the right candidate for the position.

Set The Scene And Avoid Distractions

In the process of testing and checking out your technology, it is essential to also figure out the place and position in which you would want to take the virtual interview. Choose a room that has optimal and natural ventilation, preferably a place near the window, or a blank background that will ensure you are the main point of conversation. If you decide to sit on your couch in the living room or in an office chair in your home, ensure that your surroundings are well taken care of. It would be difficult for you to convince your interviewer that you are organized and detail-oriented when there are clothes lying around your surroundings.

Ensure You Are Adequately Prepared

The fact that you are seated in front of a company system during your interview does not give you the chance and opportunity to search the web for answers to questions in-between, so it is best to avoid clicking around the computer screen. It is important to appear focused and set to tackle any question asked without the help of the internet. Check out the main facts and research about the company well before time and take note of some key points for easy reference. You can also decide to have a copy of your resume with you, so you do not forget key things to talk about.

Practice, Don't Memorize

Employers tend to know the difference between a candidate that has memorized what he is saying and one that has practiced and is well conversant with the flow of conversation. Just pouring down what you have memorized without a perfect understanding of what you are saying might not be really good for you, as you might tend to stop or forget in between your elevator pitch. 

So, it is better to run through a few practice rounds with people around you first before the commencement of the interview, as this would give you the opportunity to rehearse with various personalities and answer a series of questions.

Dress Appropriately

It is essential that you dress well as if you are going for a physical interview. The fact that you are going to be sitting at a table beside your bed, does not mean you should look like you just got up from bed. Professional clothing will show seriousness concerning the position you are vying for. You should wear complete office clothes, meaning as a man, a blazer, button-up shirt, and chinos should do, while for a woman, a dress or skirt and blouse would not be a bad idea either. 

Be Yourself

One of the main things a hiring manager would look for is whether you would be the perfect fit for the industry's culture. And this might be quite difficult to achieve through a virtual interview due to the lack of physical connectivity. It is, however, hard for interviewers to get a good understanding of your enthusiasm through a virtual interview. Therefore, it is necessary that you express yourself well throughout the interview process, as you don't want to leave any points out. Giving them enough reasons as to why they should hire you might give you a better chance of passing the interview.

Keep a Professional Virtual Identity

The first impression for your virtual interview is your username and email address. Giving the hiring manager a ridiculous email address you used during your high school days might not be the right path to take. Endeavor to keep your email and username very professional and at the same time simple. Avoid the use of unnecessary symbols and numbers that might cause confusion for your employer.

Immediately Follow Up

Consider the virtual interview as a face-to-face interview, and appropriately follow up with your interviewer. Within a 24-hour time frame of having conducted your interview, it is important to reach out to the person whom you chatted with, showing appreciation for taking their time to speak with you. And if you feel there is something you might want to emphasize, you can go ahead and do so, but ensure that the email is concise as you don't want to leave a bad lasting impression.


Virtual interviews are becoming quite common in various companies and places of work as they continue to come up with better ways of meeting the needs of their employees. As someone who might at some point have to do an online interview, it is essential to follow these tips as they will take you a step closer to getting that perfect job.