3 Job Interview Thank You Emails

The biggest challenge most people face when they are in search of a job is their interview process. Most are nervous or unsure of themselves while others don't know how to answer the questions thrown at them. What most interviewees do not know is that their interviewees not only watch their conduct during the interview but also after it is done. So you had an interview today and you believe you've given it your all. You aced the interview and are expecting an employment letter in the mail (congrats!). Your journey doesn't end when you are in the interview because believe it or not, interviewers monitor how quickly and how well you send a thank you email once your interview is over. 

Most interviewees never bother to send a thank you email which means that deciding to send one in means you are setting yourself apart from the crowd. The best thing you can do for yourself post-interview is to write a well-put-together thank you email as quickly as you can. In this article, we are going to guide you on how you can write that killer thank you email. 

Emailing Tips

There are no set rules for writing a thank you email but you can use these tips to improve the quality of the mail you send. 

  • If you want your mail to be a quick follow up then you need to be short and simple. This short and simple method should be used after the first or second round of interviews if there are multiple stages. 
  • If you want to show your interest in the position and attention to detail, you should ensure that you add personal information and where possible insert learnings from your interview. You should also remind the interviewer why you would be a great fit for the job and the skills you bring to the table. 
  • Another way to really spice up your email is to add some ways the company can improve current processes. This shows that you are competent and have a strong grasp of your job description. To make it more appealing, it should be an improvement to something that was discussed during your interview is that shows that you pay attention. 
  • Active professionals send and receive about 150 emails every day so it is quite easy for your follow-up mail to get lost in the sea of emails sent. This is why it is important that your email heading is attention-grabbing and would reach the eyeballs you intended it to reach. 
  • If you would like to take a more traditional approach. You could decide to drop a handwritten thank you note in the mail. You could add this to the end of your follow-up email and encourage them to check the mail for the note you mailed them. 
  • It is also important that you reassure your interviewer that you are interested in the role. Where possible, tell the interviewer that they are free to follow up with any other questions or additional information.

How Soon Should You Send The Thank You Email

It is important that you send the mail as soon as you can. Where possible, you should send the email the next day after the interview. The best time to send this mail is between the hours of 12:00 pm and 3:00 pm as this is the best time for your interviewer to see your mail. The exception to this is if your interview was held on a Friday. It is not suitable for you to send a thank-you email on a Saturday hence for interviews held on Friday, it is best to send out the mail later in the day after your interview especially if your interview was in the morning. 

You should also ensure that you send the mail within 24 hours of your interview. This is important because most interviewers see a lot of candidates and the longer it takes for you to send the email, the higher the chances that they would have forgotten who you are. Sending your email as soon as possible will ensure that your interview is still fresh in their mind and you still have a window to improve your chances of getting the job. 

Sample Thank You Emails

Sample 1


Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. I’m very excited at the opportunity to work at.

The role sounds interesting and is a position that I’m confident I’d excel in due to my prior experience in.

I look forward to hearing feedback as soon as you have any updates and would love to continue discussing the opportunity with you at that point.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need any additional information in the meantime. 

Thank you again, 

Best regards,

Sample 2


Thank you for your time yesterday. I enjoyed the interview and it was interesting to hear about how the team is expanding and the new types of customers you’re trying to attract.

I’m confident that I can take what I’ve learned at and step into your role and be successful, so I’m eager to hear your feedback when you have a chance.

Don’t hesitate to contact me in the meantime if you have any questions or concerns.

Best regards,

Sample 3


Thank you for taking the time to speak with me about the position at . It was a pleasure talking with you, and I enjoyed learning more about the opportunity.

The information you shared about sounded particularly interesting. 

I am confident that my skills will allow me to come in and excel in this role, and it’s a position I’d be excited to take on. 

I’m looking forward to hearing from you about the next steps, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any additional details in the meantime.

Thank you again.

Best regards,


Sending a follow-up mail is an important step in getting a job after the interview. It shows the recruiter that you are eager and ready to work. It also lets them know that you are a strong candidate for the position. Use this letter to sell yourself and make them see why you're the person for the job.